Thursday, December 30, 2010

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was an idea. I had the idea one day that I wanted a fishing boat. The idea has been building for some time, I just wasn't sure how to make this idea a reality. For a long time I wrestled with the idea of purchasing a small pontoon fishing raft without ever feeling completely settled with the idea.

Then it came to my attention that my grandpa had a small jon boat sitting in his garage that was not being used. The only problem was that there was no trailer and I do not have a vehicle that I want to try to throw a 14' boat onto to take to the lake, let alone the 350 mile journey to get it to my house in the first place.

Lastly, it occurred to me that I could probably purchase a trailer for less than $200, make any  necessary adjustments, and pick up a boat. So I put the plan in motion, while watching the local classifieds I decided to get an idea of what adjustments I would need to make to a trailer that would more than likely be intended for a v-hull fishing boat. I called my other grandpa who has owned a few boats to ask for some advice on the subject.

This is where my plan for boat ownership took a turn I wasn't expecting. After a few minutes of discussion my grandpa informed me that a friend of his had a boat that he would like to give away. We arranged a time to go look at it and this is what I found:

It isn't much right now but it is mine.

The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
  • The gentleman still had both the main outboard motor and the trolling motor in the garage, out of the weather
  • Structure is sound, there aren't any visible holes or leaks
  • Paint on the exterior is in relatively good condition
  • Trailer is in decent condition, if nothing else I had a trailer
  • Price is right
  • Engines haven't been run in years, don't know what it will take to get running, or what condition they were in when last used
  • Boat hadn't been covered, all seats are entirely rotted out
  • Wiring, etc. is shot due to weathering
  • I am now a boat owner?! What have I done. This could go down as one of my best or worst decisions